XAMPP is one of the most popular PHP development environment. It is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache Friends. Let’s install XAMPP in ubuntu 20.10.
Download XAMPP
Let’s start by downloading XAMPP. Go to the official website of XAMPP and download XAMPP for Linux.
Run the installer
Once the file downloaded, we need to grant permit the file to run. Go to the directory where you downloaded the file and open terminal in this directory. You can do this by clicking the right button of your mouse or touchpad and selecting the Open in terminal
option. Now you have to enter the following commans without the $
will be replaced by the version of XAMPP installer you have downloaded.
$ chmod +x xampp-linux-[your_file_version]-installer.run
$ sudo ./xampp-linux-[your_file_version]-installer.run
In my case the installer version is 7.4.11-0
and I am using the 64 bit architecture. So the [your_file_version]
will be replaced by x64-7.4.11-0
$ chmod +x xampp-linux-x64-7.4.11-0-installer.run
$ sudo ./xampp-linux-x64-7.4.11-0-installer.run
Install XAMPP
Now the installation GUI will run. Keep following the instruction. It will install XAMPP in /opt/lampp
You can run XAMPP using either the GUI or running sudo /opt/lampp/lampp
start from the terminal.