React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is an opensource front-end JavaScript library for web applications. It is maintained by the Facebook team and a community of individual developers and companies. It is a great tool for developing beautiful and dynamic UI.
Install React
To create and run a React app we need Node.js in our system. You can be assured if node.js is installed by the following command:
node -v
If the node.js is installed it will show the version. Otherwise node.js can be installed with following steps:
From home directory use curl
to retrieve the installation files. Use the following commands:
cd ~
curl -sL -o
You can specify the version changing 14.x
to your preferred version. You can learn about the versions from here. Now run the downloaded script with sudo
sudo bash
The PPA will be added and the cache will be updated automatically. Now run:
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
These steps will add node.js and npm in the system. You can be confirmed by running node -v
. It will show the version of node.js in your system. Now install the create react app with the following command:
sudo npm install -g create-react-app
Check the version with:
create-react-app --version
You are ready to go. Now create a app and start developing!